This "I don't like church" type of thinking, is my fault. It's our fault, as part of a church. In my search for a home were I, as a christian, could be and feel like I'm moving forward and "leveling-up" spiritually, I went to a lot of different churches and different doctrines. And like this person, I also did and still do a lot of research on other religions, to know what they believe and to better understand why they believe or why some don't.
When I was 3 years old, my parents divorced, and my mother was the one who raised me and my brother. She always tells me, she didn't have anything, so she gave us to God, and whatever His plan was, He had to provide for us, and use us.
My first church was on my mother's bed at night. We were 3 church members, my brother, my mother and I. My first book was the Bible, and I loved it. As an innocent child I had a fear for God, but I wasn't afraid of Him, I always saw Him as my father and that I had to follow His example. Of course I didn't always behave but I never did anything really bad. I had my issues because of not having a daddy, and as I grew older I always had the feeling that I need one. I had friends with a father in home and I felt like I really wanted that, but as I grew older I realized I had the best father of all.
When I became a teenager I had to discover myself, and of course there were some times when I was searching for answers in so many places, I just got lost. So I decided to go back to my beginning, I went back to my Bible. I asked the Lord in prayer. I prayed: "Lord, I know I haven't been the best but please speak to me, I need answers from you." And I opened my bible and it was in Isaiah 6 which is my favorite verse in the bible. My favorite part said:
8 Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?”And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”
And then I understood that maybe my mission in life, is to go out there and speak the truth. Haven't done a great job so far, but I am trying. I want the Lord to send me out there, to make a difference.
When I say open your mind, I don't mean believe anything you hear from other religions. Open your mind to see, feel and know what God wants you to do for Him today. Tell Him: "Here I am, Send me!!"
God has great plans for us, we are the ones limiting Him, by closing our minds. Open your mind to do whatever crazy random act of Kindness He puts on your heart.
I want to encourage you today to open your mind, to let God use you for His Kingdom, for His people. And be a river that flows with water for those who are thirsty for Him, thirsty to know that they have the Best Father anyone could ask for. Let the Lord pour His rain of wisdom, kindness, righteousness, forgiveness and most important of all grace. That whenever we speak to those who need him, even in our church or out there in the world, whoever hears us, will hear and feel the grace and love of our Father. The love that Jesus Christ showed us when He went to that cross and was victorious.
Be blessed and be a blessing to others.