"42 They joined with the other believers and devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and fellowship, sharing in the Lord's Supper and in prayer." - Acts 2:42I hear this a lot! 'I don't like church, I don't need to go to church, filled with hypocrites because I can pray at home on my own.' From a person that has gone from one church to the other until I found one where I felt at home, I can say I have felt this way. Seeing other believers' lives and thinking: "This or that person should really check his or her life, they aren't living what they preach!" And after thinking this, reading:
"Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?" Mathew 7:3Understanding this, we would also understand the importance of Church. As a community, a home, a body of Christ where we can all find a room. Church is a Hospital, for those who are sick in their sin, a training camp for soldiers in the Army of the Lord against sin. It is where we recover strength to go on our daily battles. We all need this!
Yes, being alone with God is a must in our daily lives, to hear Him and have a relationship with Him. We have to have time alone with God. Where not our Facebook, or Phones, or friends or family, anyone can distract us from being in His presence. But being part of a community of Christians, as a Christian is very important. When we are sick, they can lay hands on us and pray. When we are in our down moments, they can give us a word from the Lord, to cheer us up. On Saturday my pastor preached about being "Carriers of Christ". Christ is living within us as Christians, and we have to bring Him to those who can't come to Him. And also bring those who don't have any strength left, bring them to Him. Carry them to His presence in our prayers.
But for us to be able to bring Him to others we have to also have Him in us. Be strong in Him. We must have been in His presence, before we can bring others. Our faith has to be strong enough for us to be able to bring healing, compassion, companionship, friendship and Love to those who need us, who need Him. You can't take someone to a certain place if you don't know where it is. Or explain a math problem if you don't understand it yet. It's as simple as that with the presence of the Lord. If you haven't yet been in His presence, how do you expect to bring others to His presence?
My encouragement today is for us, as this New Generation of Christians, to be so filled with the presence of Christ, that wherever we go, we bring church with us. We bring healing, restoration, renewed strength, LOVE to those who are in need of it. That we won't need to hear anyone ever say again, "Church is filled with hypocrites, I'd rather pray at Home", but instead we hear, "Church is where I find brothers and sisters who are struggling, but persevere and want more and more of Christ each day." That yeah alone we might get somewhere faster, but in Christ together we can get where He wants to see us as His Bride.
Let's work on this! Let's be filled again, let the fire Burn again and never stop burning! Let's share as brothers and sisters, all those blessings God has sent for us. We all have a duty in our Church, lets all do our part and bring down the Kingdom of God!
Bless you and keep blessing Others. United we stand stronger!