Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?”And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” Isaiah 6:8For the last 27 days I've been reading the Gospel of John and The book of Acts. I took the Jesus Culture 30-day Challenge to read these books. And I have learned more then I would've ever thought.
A lot of times we think that in order to truly serve God we have to become missionaries like Paul, Peter, and the other disciples and the disciples of the disciples. But I understood that as the children of God, being a missionary doesn't always mean going to Africa or India or South America to preach the Gospel or to live out your life for God. It is way more than that. I'm not saying it is not also a great way of living it, but it isn't always your calling.
Living a life for God is that in everything you do His Holy presence is with you. Either as a lawyer or as a teacher, you are constantly being challenged to reach out to those around you and teach them the Word of God, the Good news about our Savior.
Sometimes we are confused about what the Plan of God is for our lives and we worry that we can't hear His voice telling us what to do. We get discouraged that maybe He isn't listening. And one time I read this:
When the students are in a test, the teacher stays Silent!And that is exactly what is happening, maybe you are going through a desert and you have no idea what's going on, but what if that is your test. He is polishing you to show you the great plans, but you must trust him. He has great plans to prosper you, but most importantly, He has Great plans to USE YOU for HIS KINGDOM. In all the ways possible, using all your talents. Talents that He has given you, so you can offer it back to Him in Worship.
In this verse we can see how Great God is, and how holy and yet we are able to be in His presence because Jesus Christ came and saved us, he cleansed us from our dirty ropes, with His precious Blood so we can come into the presence of the Judge, The King, the Almighty and Powerful and Holy God.
What else can we possibly want?
He has a mission for all of us. We are all working for His cause. For His Kingdom. But His laws, his Commands the whole mission plan is in His book. Read, Understand, Live and Listen.
He whispers to you, while the world is screaming and crying out to get your attention. Focus on Him, get into His word, and he will reveal to you in Spirit what it is that He has planned for you. It's there, you just have to take it.
Today I want to encourage you to not be discouraged when you feel like maybe you aren't doing enough. We all had to go to school before we could get the Diploma to then work in our "dream Job". We all have to study His word, get to know Him. Be persistent in your walk with Him. Do what the world is doing to you, shout to him, cry out to Him, get his attention. He is listening to you, Pray! And then Shut up, and Listen to His whispering voice. He will speak to you, but He is a gentleman so he will let you finish talking to then speak.
Be blessed and be a blessing to others.