Your eyes saw my unformed body;I have this notebook I keep where I write some of my prayers. Its usually when I can't just talk to God but I feel like I need to write it down, to relax. Writing relaxes me. Yesterday was one of those times. I decided to write one of my prayers down and when I was done I decided to read the ones I had written previously to check out how annoying I am sometimes.
all the days ordained for me were written in your book
before one of them came to be. -Psalm 139:16
I saw a pattern in my letters to God. I'm guessing as a lot of Christians, and well as a human-being, we are always worried about out purpose in life. Why are we here? What is the plan God has for me? I know he has plans to prosper me and give me a future... I know he will guide my every step, I just have to focus on Him. BUT I'm still curious to know what the plan is.
I've been writing these letters for over 5 years now. They aren't that many, but around 5 years ago I started. In my letters I discovered that no matter what my struggles where in those times, I always had one struggle that kept repeating... I wanted to know what that plan is!!
I've received some prophecies that give my talents a bit of direction. I know what I can do, I know that there is way more I should do. But I realized that God knows exactly where he is taking me.
Every time I try to take control, I take over the wheel, my life goes the wrong way. Its like if I'm on a boat in the middle of the ocean and the motor dies. I would have no idea where to go. I can't read a compass, read a map in the middle of the ocean won't be very useful, and I have no knowledge about stars, so I would have to let it all to the captain. This example might be a bit stupid, but lets say our life is that boat, and our destination is across the ocean. I wouldn't know what to do on that boat, but God is the captain, he has all the knowledge. He knows the destination and he knows the path. Why not trust him?
So I was reading my letters, and realized that as I grew older, I didn't stop being curious about what exactly his plan is, but I stopped worrying about it. I know he has given me all I need to get to where I have to be today. Tomorrow he will give me the tools to get the job done for tomorrow. But today is important. Today I am preparing the foundation for what lays ahead.
God has given all his children talents, gifts, that he will use in their time for His glory. But we have to do our part. I've always loved the sound of a violin, and I know those who play it have amazing talent, but apart from that they have worked very hard to become great at what they do. Same counts for us as Christians. God has given us gifts, talents, but just because we have them, that doesn't mean we have to sit still and never do anything about it. We have to work, practice, use them, perfect them, so when our great concert comes, and God wants us to play the violin, we can make the most beautiful melody anyone has ever heard.
Today I want to encourage you to surrender. Let God take over. He is the director of this Orchestra. And all of us play a part in it. Practice the instruments he has assigned to you. For you to know exactly what I mean I will put it like this: If your talent is to sing, practice your singing. But not only practice by singing, but practice also by praying! Fill yourself with the Holy Spirit. Come into the presence of the Lord. Practice in front of Him. he will make sure you do a great job. Do it for Him.
God has given us gifts to bring to Him in Worship! Our lives have to be an act of Worship to Him, All the time, in everything we do. So when he calls us up, He can use us for His Glory!
God bless you!!