19 Jesus answered them, “Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days.”
- John 2:19
Today is Good Friday and we remember the great sacrifice of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
A day like today I think a lot about that moment. I watch all the movies, I read the verses and go to church. In a way I try to picture how it must have been to be there. If I would be one of the followers or if I would be one of those yelling "Crucify him!".
Well to be honest when I think about how many times I have failed him, I believe I would be one of those yelling. That later when He would die, I would admit he was special, that he was different and perhaps repent.
One passage that always echoes is this one. He said that the temple would be destroyed and in 3 days he would raise it again. Of course they thought about the building. But he was talking about his body. And He is also showing us that our body is the temple where God lives.
16 Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in your midst?
-1 Corinthians 3:16
A few days ago I was praying and asking God to show me something. And I started reading Haggai. The people of Israel had to finish God's Temple, but took way to long to finish. I think maybe they liked to procrastinate, I mean 40 years in the dessert, more than that to finish the temple... Then one passage hit me.
9 “You expected much, but see, it turned out to be little. What you brought home, I blew away. Why?” declares the Lord Almighty. “Because of my house, which remains a ruin, while each of you is busy with your own house.
- Haggai 1:9
I see in this passage that God is warning us. We are so caught up into our own things, that we forget to give thought to the things of the Lord. We don't work on his temple anymore. I see a generation coming that is more busy with the latest trend in fashion, the latest pop artist, the latest technology, but they have no idea of what is truly going on around them, even less the things concerning God. Even in the church, I see the youth with little to no heart that beats for the things of God. Taking selfies in the middle of service. I know most of them have the Bible app, but they also message their friends during service. Even respect in church has become less.
My heart breaks to see that they care more about getting a new I-phone, than they do about taking time to read their bible. And I'm not even talking about the non-Christians.
These days lets put our focus back on God. Let us have a revival. Lets not be the type of Christians that only know the cliche verses. Let us know the promises of God, His warnings, His decrees, EVERYTHING. We have a hunger that will not be filled with the latest trends, those are distractions. Only Jesus is the way the truth and the life, only He can give us the bread that will take away the hunger, and the water that will take away our thirst.
Today I want to encourage you to STOP! I know this world demands a lot from you. I know how it feels to have so many things calling for your attention and barely having time to have a date with God. But please do it! He wants to be with you, and he wants you to make time for him. He wants to speak to you, show you the way. His way, His plans for your life. Plans He had since before you were born, since the moment he was waving you into your mother's womb. He knows your deepest darkest secret, he knows the greatest desires of your heart. He knows everything about you, and still He chose on a day like this to surrender His life, He took a stand for us. He took our place, so that we wouldn't get a punishment we truly deserved. He took it all. He paid it all. And 3 days later He rose victorious, He conquered Death! He gives us life!
Think about it today, meditate on His word. Ask Him to reveal to you what he wants, what he plans, and ask him for a revival in you. Today is the day!
God bless you and be a blessing to those around you!
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PS: Please Like us on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/Tenthousandhourswithhim