
Friday, August 8, 2014

Protect Your Calling

I have finally decided to post something again. These last few months have been a bit stressful and well as you all know when we are stressed we tend to lose focus. But today I am back again. 
They go from strength to strength,
    till each appears before God in Zion.
- Psalm 84:7
Earlier today I was speaking to a friend about dreams. Sometimes God uses dreams, visions, to reveal things to us. He may reveal something he wants us to do, something we should change, an answer, and so many different things. He may also reveal to us our calling. 

Everybody knows the story about Samson and Delilah. This one can be found in Judges 16. The story of Samson and Delilah is a bit of a tragic love story. And its a story that if you look around it can be seen a lot. We love repeating history! 
Today we will talk about Samson's calling. God set him apart to save His people, to save a nation. Like Samson we all have a calling. Different calling, because God has created us all so unique and different, He has a special calling for each and every single one of us. He sets us apart from birth, even if we don't know. In Judges 13:5 God sets Samson apart by telling his mother:

You will become pregnant and have a son whose head is never to be touched by a razor because the boy is to be a Nazirite, dedicated to God from the womb. He will take the lead in delivering Israel from the hands of the Philistines.”
- Judges 13:5

God doesn't just set him apart, like "Hey I'm gonna use you and I will tell you when to act" No, God makes him also look different from the rest. When God calls us, He doesn't want us to be like everybody else, He wants us to be different. To be spotted from far. 
Something I've learned as a Christian is that we are set in a place of example to others. Even though we are far from perfect, and fail a lot, God wants us to be like Jesus. Even if you don't believe like I do, that he is the Son of God, that He is God, you will agree that Jesus wasn't exactly a crowd pleaser, or that he blended in perfectly with the crowd. He stood out, you could spot him from far. You knew he was coming. God wants the same for us. He calls us to be different. To be light in a world dominated by darkness. When people see us as Christians, Followers of Christ, they should see who we are following. Yes God is gracious, and YES He calls us as we are, but also God calls us to be like His son. For our ways to become His ways. 

Samson was different, he was a Nazirite. And he had a special calling from birth. He was going to save Israel. Now I know how big of a responsibility that would be, and well on my own I wouldn't be able to do anything. God gave him everything he had. The superhuman strength he possessed wasn't from working out, going to the Gym everyday, drinking protein shakes etc. His strength came from above. As long as he obeyed God.

And then along came miss Delilah. The beautiful deceiving Delilah. 
Everyone has a Delilah in their lives. We all do have something that brings us away from the path towards our calling. There is always something, there will always be a Delilah. 
Delilah can come in all shapes and sizes. It can be in your computer, your TV, your phone... Nowadays its usually something with technology. But Delilah can also be a person. Someone that tries to lead you away from the path God has set you on. Someone that leads you away from your calling into disobedience. 

Samson disobeyed God, and what did God do? God took away His strength from him. Not because God is acting like a spoiled little girl, that takes away her Barbie dolls from you because you won't do as she says, but because Samson broke the connection he had with God. When Delilah cut his hair, she didn't just cut the hair, she took away what set him apart. 

Don't let Delilah cut your hair! 

When you read the story of Samson and Delilah you go like "I know this will not end well". Why can't we do the same with the Delilahs in our lives? Why is it so hard to say " I know this isn't going to end well, Get out!".
We have to protect our calling. Satan is a roaring lion outside our doors. He is hungry, he wants to see us fail. But he will stay hungry for we will NOT fail! 
When we go through trials, God is teaching us lessons. God is making us stronger with His strength. He is showing us how to trust Him, how to let ourselves be consumed by Him in such a way that He will use us to do great things. 

Psalm 84 talks about how great it is to be in the presence of our God. It also speaks about how blessed we are if we trust in Him and if our strengths are in Him. 
In God we will go from strength to strength, till we appear before Him in Zion. How glorious that will be. God makes us stronger and stronger each day not only to fulfill His will and calling here on earth, but also to fulfill our greatest calling, to one day be in His presence.


Today I want to encourage you, to beware of the Delilahs out there that are trying ever so hard to take you away from that calling. Stay strong in the Lord, He will make you stronger each day till the day that we fulfill the greatest calling!

God bless you and be a blessing to those around you!