
Saturday, February 8, 2014

Just like the rest...

I love reading and one of my favorite books of all times is 1984. It's a bit of a cliche and a classic. I bet most people who like reading and have actually read this book and also Brave New World, fall in love with them instantly. Unless you HAD to read it as a school assignment maybe then you might not have great memories of it, but I loved them both.

As I was re-reading these books I realized something they have in common. Besides being books about an utopia, maybe not the best ideal, but well it might happen, these books have one particular thing in common. Even after fighting to not become just like everyone else in their society, in the end they do. Sorry if I'm a spoiler for those who haven't read these books, but trust me just because you know the end, the book is still worth reading.

So I want to write today about this. That's why I have titled this post "Just like the rest".

As a Christian, I'm very familiar with the phrase: You were called out to be the difference.
We aren't just meant to be different, we ought to be the difference.

Maybe we aren't exactly like these utopias, one a society dominated by fear and the other by pleasure, but we are a combination of the two. What I see around me is that some countries are dominated by fear, while others are controlled by pleasure and some just have both. And it breaks my heart to see that a lot of us don't realize yet that we are controlled. Everything is predetermined for us all to be the same. For us to like the same food, the same clothes, the same artists and the everything that is popularized by the media.

I don't want to start a conspiracy theory, but I want us to take a moment and think that times weren't that much different when Jesus walked among us, and what did he do? He was different, He was THE difference. It isn't easy to be different from the crowd, and some of us eventually give in. Those who don't are seen like freaks or are cast out from the group, but still we have to strive to be different.

Even if your not a christian you can still agree that Jesus was a revolutionary. He went against the current, he didn't conform to the norm, he was different. Even as a Jew he wasn't like the other Jews, and I'm not referring to him being THE SON OF GOD, but he acted different. And he wants the same from us.

God didn't just call us out to be different, but he showed us how we can be different. He also showed us that this world will try and convince us to be just like the rest, but we have to fight against it. Do not give in.

Usually we would say "Be yourself!", well I won't say that. Don't be yourself, be the one God wants you to be. Why? Because if you are yourself you are pleasing you, your flesh. If you surrender your flesh and your will to God's will, you will be everything he wants you to be, you will become an even better version of yourself, because all those gifts that he has put in you will be used to their full potential.

Today I want to encourage you to not be just like the rest. Be different and Love being different. Let them say what they want to say. If you don't fit in that's great! ENJOY IT! God will use YOU for greater things, but stay strong and faithful.

Be blessed and be a blessing to others!

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