
Friday, January 3, 2014

Be Thankful!

Hello Everyone! First of all, I would like to wish you all an awesome New Year, May all your dreams and resolutions for this year come true and all the the blessing God has planned to give you this year come to you.

Today I would like to share a bit of my life with you and maybe encourage you with a little testimony.

My mom taught my brother and I something that has become a tradition for us and maybe you can take it as part of your life as well. Maybe make it also a little tradition. I know I will pass this on to my children and hopefully they will let it live on in their children. One can only hope.

What we do every year 1 hour before the year ends and a new one starts is that we write our wishes on a piece of paper. Its not resolutions, just things we are praying that God will do in his time for the next year. Then we read the ones from the year before and we see God's Glory. These wishes are put in our Bibles.

It may seem like a simple tradition that we've taken, but it helps to grow our faith. When we look at our previous wishes and see how many things God has done for us. Maybe not all came true in our time, but all come true in Gods time.

Now a little testimony to show how this worked for me. 4 years ago one of my dogs got an ear infection, then due to not treating properly in time, because doctors had no idea what it was, it became chronic. When they finally figured out what they could use, it was to late according to the doctor. My dog would have to use medicine till the day he died, and probably loose his hearing. the infection could be controlled but not cured. Now some of you may think, well its just a dog. Well he's not. He is like my son, my baby of 13. I grew up with him, I have 3 dogs now, I grew up with 5, and I loved the ones that died and still love the ones that are alive and God has shown me grace and taught me love through those little angels.
Well so 3 years ago I wrote in my wishes for God to prove those doctors wrong, that he will heal my dog, that he wouldn't have to use medicine anymore. It didn't happen that year, but this year, when I was reading my wishes, I could remove that wish from the list. My dog is completely cured since April 2013. I went to check his ears in October and the doctor asked if I was sure he ever had an infection, his ears were clean and completely healed.

Another story from my dogs, one was born with a skin disease. When I got her we tried everything to help her, but the doctors again didn't have much hope. Well she is 13 now, her skin is beautiful, full of hair and she is the happiest dog ever. Doesn't care about anything, and with that age who would, but she is healthy. Old but healthy. Another wish I could remove from the list.

We keep these lists, as a reminder of how great God is, and how much he has blessed us. He has given us everything we ever wished for, not always in our time, when we want it, but when he wants it. Sometimes we wish for something, and he gives it to us to show us that he has something better for us, and after we learn that, he gives us the better thing.

Today I want to encourage you, that when go through your lows this year, remember all the ups God has lifted you to. He has blessed me with things that I just don't know how I could ever show him how thankful I am. And when I go through my lows, I sometimes read back on the wishes that have come true, and I just stop whining and say Thank you!

Be thankful today, and know that he will keep blessing you, just be faithful to him, and when you're going through your desserts, look up to him, and let him turn it into an oasis.

Be blessed this year, and be a blessing to those around you.

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